Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Day #23

Two for you today:

Day 23 Daisy with Bokeh

Day 23 Disease Control Strictly No Access

So I walked all the way to the church and did some shots for HDR (didn't post the final product because I seem to be doing HDR all the time at the moment and this one didn't come out very well) but on the way back I came across a small group of daisies which I took a picture of and the bokeh is quite good. For anyone who hasn't ever watched any digitalrev videos on youtube DO IT!! The guy is pretty funny and obsessed with bokeh!
Just before getting back home I walked past this farm gate which I almost ignored except for the sign on the gate. It's pretty old so I guess it was just left there after the foot and mouth outbreak. I think the sign works well with the black and white.

Until tomorrow


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