Saturday, 30 April 2011

Day #5


So walking back from work I saw this pattern in on the side of the car park where the stairwell goes. It looks better in Black and white than in colour, trust me!


Until tomorrow


Friday, 29 April 2011

Day #4

Day 4 (Scotch...not the drink)

So I've been working all day so I haven't had all day to take photos. This is today's entry, a roll of Scotch Tape. After I took the picture all I could think of was the quote from Anchorman:

"Mm, I love scotch. I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down. Down into my belly. Mm-Mm-Mm." - Ron Burgundy, Anchorman

Ahh well, I hope tomorrow's photo will be better.

Until Tomorrow,


Thursday, 28 April 2011

Day #3

Project 365 Day 3

So this is today's photo, makes a change from the black and white of the last couple of days but it'll be back soon. I've had this advent calender for a VERY long time, and I thought that a couple of the pockets would make a good photo for today. I would write something about the colours or the contrast but I'd just sound silly.

So until tomorrow


Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Day #2

Project 365 Day 2 (alt. "Sterling Work)

So today's photo is up! I was starting to get worried that I wouldn't get one today and then fail after 24 hours, but no! While studying I thought about a few photography ideas and shot them all and this was one of the results.

Anyway, back to medicinal chemistry

Until tomorrow


Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Day #1

So this is when it begins, not quite sure how I'll do this, I want to do a mix of film and digital so if there's a few days with no picture or.... gaps between numbers, it's because I'm waiting for the film to be processed.

Project 365 Day 1

Anyway, about today's photo, photo number one... I have a bear who lived in my cupboard for several years until my girlfriend found him and named him "King Bear", he now lives either in the bed when I'm not in it , or on the desk when I am. I thought his face would make an interesting black and white shot and I hope you'll agree with me.

Until tomorrow
