So this is going to be the last one from me for a while, I'm going on holiday tomorrow which explains how poor this photo is, I've spent today working and packing up my stuff. Hope you can all last without my poor photography
So this is going to be the last one from me for a while, I'm going on holiday tomorrow which explains how poor this photo is, I've spent today working and packing up my stuff. Hope you can all last without my poor photography
Evening. Today's photo was hastily arranged it's just my passport with a 100 Baht note over the top and some chopsticks. It's supposed to represent holidays but take it as whatever you want.
I took this yesterday morning but didn't get round to uploading it till tonight, I was so tired last night I just completely forgot. These are my keys in front of the sun to try to give a bit of a silhouette effect and then cross processed on Photoscape. Thanks
This is today's photo, taken on my way back to my car after working at Boots. I used my phone for this which kinda explains the blocking of pixels. Anyway it's late,
The photo was uploaded yesterday but my internet crashed until about 15 minutes ago and so I can only upload it to the blog today :-( This was a photo taken because I was running out of time, not very good but hope to redeem myslef a little bit later.
Took it last night and uploaded it to Flickr shortly after so it counts. I was packing up and cleaning my room last night so that's why there is a delayed post. This is of one of the fire extinguisher signs in our house, a bit random because I decided that getting my damage deposit back was a little more important, but only just :-)
So today I used my Blackberry to take this picture for the first time ever, but I learned that my laptop doesn't have bluetooth so I had to email it. Because the picture was pretty poor I decided to just play about with it in Photoscape. Hope you like it
Two for today. I took my camera with me when I went to get some shopping and these were two of the best pictures. Quite like both and the flickr title of the Lamp one is a reference to the Smiths! Anyway,
So today's photo is a little rushed, started a summer job today and started to help my girlfriend move out so I haven't had much time to photograph. This is just part of the collection of music I took to university with me in September.
So I stayed in Canterbury last night after Artsfest and drove to work this morning, but I got there about half an hour early. I wandered around Dover for a bit and tried doing a long exposure of the fountain in Market Square but it didn't come out as well as I was hoping. These photos are of the side door and window of the town hall. I darkened them a little in Photoscape and I hope you like them.
End of exams! I spent my evening at Artsfest on campus with my girlfriend, good music, great burgers, and noisy fireworks! Really good atmosphere and just nice to spend some time not having to worry about studying for any exams!
Sorry about the quality of the last two days, hopefully after my last exam tomorrow they'll get better. Artsfest is tomorrow so I'm going to go and get some photos of that, either with the canon or my Olympus AF30 35mm. So if there's no upload tomorrow, it'll come on Sunday when my films get developed. :-) So the photo for today is just my Boots badge on my Boots tie.
I found these in an envelope in my desk drawers and remembered all of the fun I had as a cadet at school. This was just a quick picture, exam and revision all day :-( All be over soon though
This was from today, I went to get a haircut in Dover and walking back to the car I shot from the hip, I think the blur is because I was walking while I was taking this picture. Right, time for bed before the exam tomorrow :-(
This was the sunset out of my window, I'm not sure which planet that is but I'm pretty sure it's not a star. I want to try a little more of this night photography and mess around with the light trails from stars, but for the moment that will have to wait.
So the top one was made by putting the fisheye viewfinder from my Lomography fisheye camera, over the lens of my digital camera producing a bit of a strange Lomo effect which I thought I'd share. Might do a shot of the Cathedral like this at some point. The other is just the regular sort of picture I tend to do for this project, the shallow depth of field with some bokeh, ahh well. Hope you like them
This was taken after my exam, just went round Canterbury for a bit, shooting from the hip. Edited in photoscape. A no entry sign down one of the back roads in Canterbury with flaking paintwork behind and graffiti on the sign. Hope you like it
This was taken by accident, I was just messing around holding down the shutter release and moving the camera at the same time and this was the end result! Pretty pleased and I do realise it's out of focus but, for an accident it's not too bad!
Another photo from a day where studying and an exam have dominated my day, so that explains the randomness of the photo. Got 23 minutes left, so cutting it fine. I'll try harder tomorrow :-)
This is a flower with a sunset as the background on the last day of spring. Was stuck for an idea until I saw the sunset but , on it's own it needed a focal point so I used the flower. A little noisy at the bottom but beggars can't be choosers. This is the picture I might use for the theme shoot group as the theme is flowers.
So this is today's photo, it's a pack of playing cards I keep in my desk, I don't use them , I just keep them there. Thought this would make a good picture with the contrast of the colours and lines around the heart in the middle of the photo. Ace of hearts or ace of love? Started doing a theme shoot group on Flickr, so I shall let you know when one of the project 365 photos is of the theme.
So this is my first diptych! Not sure what to make of it other than it's better than I thought it would come out, although it is a little small. The link between the photos is the music and the headphones. Hope you are enjoying the blog.
So today's one is a little bit rubbish. I've been studying all day for my exams so I haven't had much time to take photos and I think this may be the case for the next few days. This is the inside guard of one of my Epees. It was in the bag by my desk and I thought it would make an acceptable photo. Anyway,
One month in and these are the two photos I have for you today. The top one I took just after the storm left. I went for a walk around campus for the photo and decided that this would make a good shot. The second was taken on the path back to my house. The camera was set at a high aperture and long exposure and I just walked back holding the camera beside me. The lights are street lamps. I hope you've enjoyed the blog so far,
My girlfriend and I thought it would be a good idea to feed the ducks on campus, one because she wanted to, and two because I wanted some pictures. I like the one of the single duck with alot of bokeh, because it's focused nicely on the eye. The other photo of lots of ducklings is cute! :-P
Going to be a short one today. This is today's photo. It's a flower that is growing up the wall of one of the colleges on campus. Hope you all like it.
Another two today and quite late again!. The top one is of a random coffee stained mug and saucer that I spotted on a bench on the Dover seafront this evening, and the second photo is of the coin slot of a telescope just opposite the bench. Hope you're enjoying the blog.
Ok so two for today. My original idea didn't pay off, I made the rookie error of thinking I could change lenses faster than a train travelling 100 yards, ahh well , live and learn. The top photo is the front bars of one of the luggage trolleys at the station where the coating is starting to decay and peel off, and the bottom photo is of the failed electrical test sticker on the vending machine in the Boots staff room. ( We don't use the machine)
Taking a different style today, my brother was playing keep-ups outside and I took my camera down and we tried some different tricks to see what produced the best picture, hope you're all enjoying the blog.
This is my Croatian football shirt that I bought for £15 when my local SportsDirect was closing down. I like the red and white checker pattern. As it's still relatively early for me to post a photo, I may post another later.
So I went off to Sandwich today to get the photos. One is of two guys playing guitar and selling their CDs and the other is of an old hydrant sign. Anyways,